MIRACLE ENGINEERING and Benefits Of Advanced Engineering Technology

Miracle engineering refers to a type of engineering that involves the development and use of advanced technologies or techniques to achieve seemingly impossible or...
Twitter: Employees Can Work From home Forever

Twitter: Employees Can Work From home Forever

Twitter employees would be able to work from home forever, the CEO of the company announced. On Tuesday, as per the social media platform's spokesperson,...
Windows 10 To Be Removed From Microsoft Windows Range

Windows 10 To Be Removed In 2025

Microsoft says Windows 10 will be removed from Microsoft Windows range in 2025, as it gets ready to divulge a significant version of its...

North Korea’s Crypto Hackers Are Paving the Road to Nuclear Armageddon.

North Korea has quietly become a cryptocurrency superpower. It has stolen billions in bitcoin and ether and is funneling profits to its nuclear weapons...
Smartphones Can Detect  If You Are Drunk

Smartphones Can Tell If You Are Drunk

Smartphones can tell you if you are drunk or not by checking your walk, a study, published in Journal of Studies on Alcohol and...
Trump Will Sign Executive Order

Trump Will Sign Executive Order

White House Administration has declared US President Donald Trump will sign an executive order on Thursday that is related to social media platforms. Presidential order...

Portable artificial lungs — breathing for you when you cannot

Microfluidic oxygenators give support to cases with low blood oxygen situations during respiratory torture, and advancements in technology are making them more movable and stoner-friendly. Oxygen handed to each and every cell in our body by the lungs is essential for life. We suffocate when its force is intruded indeed for a many twinkles, which can do when we suffer from ails that beget respiratory torture. Acute respiratory torture can do in numerous scripts. For case, apre-term baby whose lungs are n’t completely developed doesn't have enough capacity to supply all...

“Robotic snake” can grip and pick up objects

Soft robots is a burgeoning field combining electrical engineering and accoutrements wisdom to produce robots that can move without the traditional use of motors, cogs, hinges, and other joining corridor. rather, movement and actuation come from the parcels of the accoutrements themselves, for illustration, a single piece of material changing shape upon external stimulants similar as light, pressure, or electrical current. As we learn further about these accoutrements , scientists are getting better at designing soft robots that move in more precise,...
Pandemic Situation Made Zoom Gain Fame Globally

Pandemic Situation Made Zoom Gain Fame Globally

The situation of Covid-19 has become more ruthless and the government workers, private offices, students of all mediums are all bounded by the lockdown....

A good egg: Robot chef trained to make omelettes

Robot that can cook has been an aspiration of sci- fi authors, forecasters, and scientists for decades. As artificial intelligence ways have advanced, marketable companies have erected prototype robot cookers, although none of these are presently commercially available, and they lag well behind their mortal counterparts in terms of skill. A platoon of masterminds have trained a robot to prepare an omelette, all the way from cracking the...