France: Camera will Spy on People

France: Camera will Spy on People

France will use the spy video camera to monitor the people whether they are wearing masks or following the safety measures to maintain social...
Other giants are  intended to resume the offices as soon as possible.

Facebook Google Extended Remote-Work Until 2021

Tech giants Google and Facebook have made a recent announcement saying the working employees will carry on work from home till the end of...

How To Delete Your Personal Information From The Internet

Data broker sites like Spokeo, MyLife, and Whitepages are constantly scraping the web to build a profile on you and sell it. Here's what...

The Secret Lives of Neutron Stars

The Secret Lives Of Neutron Stars Neutron stars are some of the most mysterious objects in the universe. With their intense gravity and extreme density,...

Cancer immunotherapy gets a boost from microbubbles

During the last decade, great advances in cancer curatives have been achieved. The development of immunotherapy shows great clinical results, but unfortunately it does n’t work in every case. Now, scientists have developed a fashion with the eventuality to ameliorate the performance of current immunotherapies. Immunotherapy consists of tricking the case’s own vulnerable cells to make them kill the cancerous cells. One of the strategies most used to date is...

Artificial leaf makes renewable solar fuels from thin air

Scientists have recently made a revolutionary breakthrough by inventing an artificial leaf that can convert carbon dioxide in the air into renewable fuels that...