Pulse Oximeter Can Detect COVID-19 Infection


After other precautionary measures, another device has emerged as a light of hope for the people who are dealing with COVID-19, Pulse Oximeter is a device that can hopefully detect the coronavirus, Medical Experts say.

As the world has got stuck in a pandemic, many of the precautionary measures are being taken by the people in order to avoid COVID-19 infection. Facemasks and social distancing have become a part of people’s life and there is no chance that the virus would be eliminated as WHO has stated in its statement it might stay with us, here, people have to get more cautious as they have to battle Coronavirus for a long term, no one knows how long.

Along with disinfectants and sanitizers the surging demand for oximeters, an inexpensive, small device has been seen. It could help detect coronavirus symptoms as it is designed to measure the heart rate (impulse) and oxygen level in the blood as well as the body.

Everyone till now has known the shortness of breathing is a key symptom of having COVID-19 infection, this happens when the oxygen level goes down the normal level that is the reason doctors are seeing it as the helper in detecting COVID-19 symptoms in the body.

Normally, oxygen levels in the blood vary between (75-100 mm Hg). Pulse Oximeter reads between (95-100)%, when the oxygen level in the body shows 90% on the device, this is taken as abnormal oxygen level and considered dangerous.

Normally, oxygen levels in the blood vary between (75-100 mm Hg). Pulse Oximeter reads between (95-100)%, when the oxygen level in the body shows 90% on the device, this is taken as abnormal oxygen level and considered dangerous.

Unlike the thermometer, a temperature detecting device, which is present probably in every home, Pulse Oximeter is rare but the prevailing situation may change the tradition.

At home, people can easily check their oxygen level in blood using this light-weighted rectangular device that can be clipped on the finger, toe, or ear lobe.

Demand for the device surged when it was claimed in a published report that patients of COVID-19, who have shortness of breathing, have a low oxygen level in the blood. Also, the report mentioned that the device can help to clear doubts of having low-oxygen levels in the body even for the people who have become limited at their homes and can not visit their doctors for treatment if they find any symptom for the disease in their body.

Concerns have been observed regarding the use of Pulse Oximeter, as it detects the oxygen-level, while, this symptom indicates the severity of the disease that does not help to detect disease at its early stages. So, it might not be useful for detecting COVID-19 infection on time.



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