Pesticide Company Alerts Over the Comment of Trump

Common Disinfectants to Prevent Coronavirus

This Coronavirus has made everybody confined to their houses. As this pandemic has spread all over the world and till now no cure or...
Joe Biden Would 'Shut Down US' To Stop Coronavirus

Joe Biden Would ‘Shut Down US’ To Stop Coronavirus

"I'll listen to the scientists and will be prepared to take the necessary steps to save lives," the Democratic nominee revealed to ABC's David...
New Zealand Recorded 100 Days Of COVID-Free Nation

New Zealand Recorded 100 Days Of COVID-Free Nation

The New Zealand praised the achievement, as it  recorded 100 days of COVID-free nation, and yet pioneers have cautioned against carelessness as cases keep...

What is Ertugrul’s history? Why Muslim World Is Enthusiastically Watching Ertugrul...

The word Ertugrul has many meanings, some say it means wild bird, for some, it is a fragrant flower, and some define it as...

School In Thailand Uses Plastic Pens To Separate Pupils During Pandemic 

The school in Bangkok returned in July with different social distancing measures set up. A school in Bangkok, Thailand, uses plastic pens to socially...

Germany: Plans For Summer Holidays

As per the Country's tourism head, the Germany residents would be allowed to have their summer holidays abroad, as the European nations have been...
Pesticide Company Alerts Over the Comment of Trump

Pesticide Company Alerts Over the Comment of Trump

  After Trump's recommendation to use the disinfectants to treat the COVID-19, the major pesticide company has declared an alarming statement. In which, it has strictly...

The Testing Kits For Covid-19

The Coronavirus pandemic has spread all over the world and it has gripped all the world in its hand. Iceland has been tested for...
A new Dinosaur Unearthed in Australia

A New Dinosaur Unearthed In Australia

A new dinosaur has been unearthed in the continent of Australia, Paelentologists reveal. A new discovery in the world of dinosaurs has been made by...

Europeans Are Burning Trees to Keep Warm

Sky-high energy costs have folks turning to wood to produce a less expensive alternative—and EU laws area unit serving to incentivize this. IN THE PAST few decades, the EU Union has reworked its energy...