Home World UP: Patient Died of Heart Attack After Receiving Plasma Therapy

UP: Patient Died of Heart Attack After Receiving Plasma Therapy


The patient dies of a Heart attack after a successful recovery with plasma therapy from COVID-19 in the state of India, UP.

Plasma Therapy is being considered as a cure for the patients from coronavirus. Medical experts are taking it as the only way to combat the situation as no vaccine has been developed yet. As everyone is aware that thousands of the people have departed their lives battling Covid-19.

In hoping to rescue the population from COVID-19, Indian Medical Experts started Plasma Therapy human trial, and the first patient cured with the therapy died of a heart attack on Saturday after recovering from the deadly disease in the state of India, Uttar Pradesh UP.

The news surfaced when the Indian Council of Medical Research (ICMR) got the grant to proceed with the second phase of multi-center medical trial plasma therapy. 

a 58- years-old doctor, a patient was taken to the Hospital of King George’ Medical University situated in Lucknow to treat the COVID-19. But unfortunately after having a successful recovery from therapy procedure, he died due to heart stroke. 


Plasma Therapy is a potential procedure to cure COVID-19 patients. In order to proceed the treatment, plasma of a blood of an already rescued patient is required to transmit it into the critically infected patients who are at risk of life.
Plasma Therapy is a potential procedure to cure COVID-19 patients. In order to proceed with the treatment, plasma of a blood of an already rescued patient is required to transmit it into the critically infected patients who are at risk of life.

Plasma Therapy is a potential procedure to cure COVID-19 patients. In order to proceed with the treatment, plasma of a blood of an already rescued patient is required to transmit it into the critically infected patients who are at risk of life. Plasma is the blood’s liquid part that contains the antibodies, developed when the patient was fighting with the disease. That antibody helps defeat the virus in the patient in whom the plasma is transmitted. The procedure continues to proceed to treat more critical patients of COVID-19.

The Union Health Minister had suggested not to consider this methodology to cure the patients until there are clinical proofs to push it to be considered as a regular procedure. Till then, this should be trialed and researched further to come up with authentic consequences.

Medical declaration from the KGMU administration makes it obvious that the patient and his wife were taken to the hospital just after testing positive for COVID-19. Doctor-patient was on a ventilator for 14 days.

After therapy, the patient’s respiratory functions got boosted, but later he was diagnosed with a urinary infection and was cured. Two reports of his samples proved negative for COVID-19, administration further said. 

Conclusively, they said, the wife of the dead patient has tested negative now and would leave for home soon.

On the other side, the first Plasma Therapy trial has gotten successful in Pakistan. One of the recognized Hematologists of Pakistan Dr. Tahir Shams has claimed a successful Clinical trial of Passive Immunization after a Coronavirus Patient developed his immunity against Covid-19 through Plasma Therapy.

A great achievement amid pandemic, the first patient recovered through Plasma Therapy has been discharged from the hospital, he thankfully said.



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