Floyd Died Of Asphyxia, Private Autopsy Finds

One of the protestors calling for justice for African-American, George Floyd.
One of the protestors calling for justice for African-American, George Floyd.

George Floyd, A black-American, whose death incident has caused severe unrest across the US is being told has died of Asphyxia, an independent post-mortem revealed.

Demonstrators lifting a banner ‘Justice for George Floyd marching on the streets of US.

The man died of a pressure put on his neck and back by the Minneapolis police officers, Michael Baden, one of the two doctors hired by Floyd’s family revealed. This can be seen clearly in an image or viral video clip in which one of the officers named Derek Chauvin kept kneeling on his throat while the other three officers seemed were pressuring on his back, he pleaded to let him breathe, but the lack of oxygen could not make him survive anymore.

Minneapolis former officer Derek Chauvin is now in strict custody of authorities who were involved in killing George Floyd. He can clearly be seen, pressing the victim's throat with his knee in a viral video. Along with him, four more officers have been dismissed.
Minneapolis former officer Derek Chauvin is now in strict custody of authorities who were involved in killing George Floyd. He can clearly be seen, pressing the victim’s throat with his knee in a viral video. Along with him, four more officers have been dismissed.

Asphyxia is a condition in which a shortage of oxygen occurs when the blood supply blocks to certain parts of the body. A similar case happened to the African-American who was pressured on his neck this led to blocking the blood supply to the brain that resulted in a lack of oxygen and died.

It was recorded the strain was sustained by the officer for about nine minutes in aggregate and for three minutes after he got out cold.

However, the official autopsy done by the country’s medical inspectors is different from the above-mentioned post-mortem examination.

Lawyer of Floyd’s family stated death was found as an intentional killing.

Floyd Died Of Asphyxia, Private Autopsy Finds
Demonstrators, lifting play cards with slogans ‘I can’t breathe’, rushed to the streets of Minneapolis, in support of justice to an unarmed black man George Floyd, who was detained by the police for being involved in forgery and one of the officer, after banged him in the ground, put their knee on his throat, so he could not breathe. He died right after he was rushed to the hospital.

The death of an innocent, unarmed black man has sparked violence across many states of the US and the demonstrations entered into the sixth consecutive day. 

Protesters rushed to the streets–a time ago were deserted–all over the country and demand justice for Floyd.

The legal team of  Floyd’s Family told the press congress, “he would be alive today undoubtedly if he was not strained on his throat and back by the officers.”

The lawyer, Benjamin Crump said, ” the ambulance was his hearse.”

Derek Chauvin has been declared as a murderer of third-degree however, Crump wants him to be charged with first-degree murder.

Floyd Died Of Asphyxia, Private Autopsy Finds
In the city of Michigan, Detroit on May 29, after the attack with CS gas on demonstrators to halt riot, the milk is poured on the face of a protestor can be seen in the image.

Curfews have been imposed in more than 75 cities of the US which have become severe protest zones. Demonstrators can be seen rushing shoulder to shoulder–defying social distancing–to want justice to be done, and the culprit must be sentenced to death in order to eliminate the police brutality for black-Americans in the future.


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