Ways to get out of Shortness of breathing

Ways to get out of Shortness of breathing

Shortness of breathing is an abnormal condition in which people face difficulty in breathing such as doing work requiring much effort, lifting up heavy objects, climbing up, especially lung-infected people and people with heart disorders. Some people face shortness of breath for a short period while some live with it for the long term.

As it is known for everyone shortness of breathing is a key symptom of COVID-19 infection, it has become important to know some tips to recover your breath in a critical period of time. There are some ways to get out of breathing difficulty.

Sitting in forward-leaning Position:

Sitting in forward-leaning Position:

Sitting on a chair in a relaxed state will assure you to alleviate your breathing.

Sit in a chair, rest your feet on the flat surface, slant your chest forward (slightly tilted position), keep your elbows on your knees, and rest your shoulder and neck muscles in a relaxed state.

Sitting with Sturdy Support:

Sitting with Sturdy Support:

You can also use your table and chair at the same time in order to reinstate your normal breathing process.

Sit in a chair, rest your hands on the table, or using a pillow, you can grab it with your forearms. Again, rest your feet on a flat surface, lean forward and rest your head on a pillow to feel relaxed.

Standing With Back Support:

Standing With Back Support:

Standing can also help reinstate your airway passage and relax your body.

Stand with support of the wall facing away, attach your hips with support,  keep shoulder-width distance in your feet, rest your hands on your thighs, and stay in a relaxed position.

Standing With Arms Support:

Standing With Arms Support:

Stand near a table or any hard supported piece of furniture that should be below the height of your shoulder, lay your hands on the table, remember to relax your neck muscles, rest your head on your forearms, and keep your shoulders relaxed.

Sleeping Straight:

Sleeping Straight:

Many people experience shortness of breathing during the night. Due to which people get up early before taking a proper sleep that can affect the health of your body as well as reduce the quality of sleep.

The best way to catch your breath while sleeping is to elevate your head with two pillows, also, keep two pillows under your knees with a bending state, straighten your back with the surface in a relaxing position. This helps give you proper breath and relax your body and air passages.

Diaphragmatic Breathing:

Sit in a chair with bent knees, keep one of your hands on your belly and the other on your chest. Take in breath using your nose, you will feel the movement of your belly beneath your hand, relax your muscles. Breath out with pursed lips with tightened muscles, you will feel your belly going downward. Repeat the process several times.

Pursed-Lips Breathing:

Pursed-Lips Breathing

This is an effective way to control the symptom, this helps you slow down your breathing pace, this way you can have deep and proper breathing. It also helps reinstate the trapped air in your lungs or airways. The method can be applied anywhere you feel shortness of breathing.

Slowly breath in with the help of your nose, remember to keep your mouth closed while inhaling.

Purse your lips as we do at the time of whistling, relax your shoulder muscles, now, breath out with your pursed lips slowly.

Using fan:

The study suggests cool air helps you get out of your shortness-of-breath symptom. Therefore, using hand fan or lying straight under the fan can help you relax your airways

Having A Sip Of Coffee:

The study also indicates that usage of caffeine helps in relaxing airways muscles. Also, enhance the functionality of lungs and you can feel your lungs’ proper-functioning for up to 4 hours.




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