Symptoms of low blood pressure


And these are the viable causes
Your blood strain is normally one of the first matters that is measured when you see your GP. Not solely excessive blood pressure, however additionally low blood strain (hypotension) can lead to fitness problems. How do you understand low blood strain and what can be the causes?

Normal values:
First of all, of course, it is necessary to comprehend what a regular blood strain appears like. Your blood stress depends, amongst different things, on your gender and age. In general, for regular blood pressure, the diastolic strain does now not exceed ninety-five mmHg and the systolic strain no longer exceed one hundred forty mmHg. If, however, each diastolic and systolic stress is a lot lower, then your blood stress may be too low. For women, this interprets a blood strain decrease than a hundred over 60. For guys, this is barely higher: a hundred and ten over 70.

Symptoms of low blood pressure:
If you journey no signs at all, your blood strain is likely normal. Even if your values are very low, this no longer always implies that you ride any complaints. Do you apprehend any of the following symptoms? If so, your blood strain may be too low.

  • Dizziness, in particular after getting up from a chair
  • Blurred imaginative and prescient or seeing black spots
  • Fatigue
  • Lightheadedness
  • Nausea
  • Fainting
    Possible causes:
    In most instances, low blood stress is inconvenient, however no longer a signal of an underlying disease. Women can suffer from low blood stress due to heavy menstrual bleeding or at some point in pregnancy. Besides, positive drug treatments can decrease blood stress (as a facet effect). If you have been very nauseous and have vomited, your blood strain might also additionally have dropped. Finally, a low blood strain can point out (internal) blood loss, infections, anemia, or dysrhythmia. If you ride any symptoms, please go to your GP to discover what the underlying purpose is.Treatment and tips:
    The remedy for low blood stress relies upon absolutely what its reason is. Sometimes the purpose can’t be founded, which makes a cure impossible. If your blood strain is too low, there are a few matters to take into account. For example, continually stand up very slowly after mendacity or sitting down for a lengthy time to forestall dizziness and blurred vision. It is additionally greater vital for human beings with low blood stress to drink adequate water, in particular after exertion or in heat weather. If you take a sauna or warm bath, be greater cautious when getting up.


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