France will use the spy video camera to monitor the people whether they are wearing masks or following the safety measures to maintain social distancing when it relaxes the lockdown coming week.
The city of Cannes in southern Côte d’Azur has done the trial of the surveillance system, installed on public spots such as busses and markets.

Currently, it is unclear about the usage of the spy cameras by other cities but the French startup Datakalab states it does comply with the EU data privacy law.
Declaring its merger with Cannes city hall, Datakalab assures, “No image is stored and transmitted, ensuring the personal data is protected.”
Plenty of efforts is being done by many countries worldwide such as the use of Artificial Intelligence modern techniques to combat the COVID-19. However, their use has raised concerns over privacy risk.
The prompt-alert feature of the French spy system notifies the city authorities including police to notify them with up-to-the-minute happenings regarding the breach of social distancing and mask-wearing rule wherever it is detected.

Startup launched in 2017, Datakalab stresses it is “not facial recognition” as the system is not designed to store the personal data of the people. That is the property of it which makes it distinct from the hi-tech surveillance system practicing in China.
Surveillance system’s algorithm can be merged into the prevailing spy systems already installed in public places such as hospitals and airports and shopping malls.
France has been the hotspot for its one of the highest deaths in Europe. Its total death rate has now reached up to 24,895, the world’s fifth-highest number after the UK, Italy, Britain, and Spain.
Mayor of Cannes David Lisnard stated: This system does not give us people identification but mathematical analysis to ensure the safety of privacy.
The French government has also announced to make the masks compulsory in public places including schools, shopping centers, and public transport from 11 May. The shopkeepers would have the right to ask the shoppers to comply with the rule.