The whole world is shutting down. Places that were once full of people’s laughter and gatherings have now become deserted towns with the huge restrictions put on our lives– from strict lockdowns and closing of school, colleges, and universities to bans on massive gatherings. No one actually knows when will coronavirus pandemic ends.
The pandemic Covid-19 has made all the things stopped. Almost everyone is staying in their houses. The question arises here, when will coronavirus pandemic end? When people will be free to go anywhere they want to? When everything will get back to normal? There is a series of questions but there are no valid answers till now. This pandemic could take a very long period of time to end, maybe years. Even if the numbers of cases start to decrease in the next three months, then we will still be so far from the end.

The historians say: Pandemics typically have two types of endings; Medical, which occurs when the death rate and cases eventually drop and the second one is Social when the fear of this pandemic will vanish across the people and society.
The shutting down of large parts of society is not bearable and sustainable for a very long period of time. It’ll leads to economic and social loss to countries observing lockdown. This Coronavirus is a huge scientific and societal challenge for everyone.

There are three ways to cope up with this mess
- Vaccination
- Enough amount of people developing immunity through infection
- Permanently Change in the society
Covid-19 Vaccine– at least 12-18 months away:
A vaccine usually helps the body’s immune system to recognize and fight against viruses or bacteria. As this Coronavirus is new, there is no vaccine until one is developed. It can take the number of years to develop a vaccine against this disease. The best guess about the Covid-19 vaccine is that it can be developed in 12-18 months if everything goes smoothly.
Natural Immunity:
Natural Immunity occurs when the person is exposed to a live pathogen or virus, and it develops the immune response. At this early stage of understanding the Coronavirus, it is very unclear and difficult to understand that when will the natural Immunity against the virus will develop. This could take possibly two years.

The natural Immunity will occur when the body will prepare Antibodies against this virus and these antibodies will be enough to fight against the virus.
Some kinds of Alternatives:
The third alternative could be a change in our behavior, which is required to follow the precautionary measures. Drugs Development that can deal with Covid-19 infection and could deal with other infections too. They can also be used in people to show symptoms in a process called ” Transmission Control”.
Increasing the number of Intensive Care Beds will cause the same effects by increasing the capacity to deal with larger Outbreaks.
However, there are chances to have a vaccine and it will happen as quickly as possible, Science will find a solution, very soon.
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