The whole world, amid pandemic, has been widely affected. Different nations are busy producing different strategic robust plans to get rid of coronavirus in order to get back to the normal planet as it was 5 months ago. Some European countries have been experiencing vaccination trial, some of the nations using Artificial Intelligence to cope with the situation, some have come up with a herbal remedy to eliminate the deadly virus. But Singapore has emerged with a different and somewhat interesting strategic plan to ensure the implementation of restrictive measures countrywide. In Singapore, Boston Dynamics have designed a canine robot Spot using Artificial Intelligence to help maintain the social distance.
The robotic dog named ‘Spot’, with a combined black and yellow hue, is programmed in such a way that it would help to avoid social interactions among the people in Singapore’s public parks during a tough situation nationwide.
Governmental Technology Agency GovTech, in Singapore says the robot reminds the people of making a social distance to prevent spreading coronavirus
The built-in message is fed in a machine, ” let’s keep Singapore healthy,” the dog repeats after seconds. The voice of dog is quite similar to a female version with a sweet-spoken manner, Reuters elaborated.
“For your own safety and for those around you, please stand at least one meter apart. Thank You,” the pre-recorded words it broadcasts wandering across the park.
The robot is also studded with a camera to capture the figure of people present in the park. But it will not be allowed to track the people specifically to ensure the personal privacy safety, said in a news release.
Remotely used robot Spot will help minimize the men-security for the visitors in parks to avoid social interactions among people. This way, the threat of exposure to the virus would become less at a great extent.
Singapore has been experiencing a strict lockdown, face masks are mandatory for the people. And there is only a single reason to visit outside if you have a certain important work to be fulfilled. Otherwise, people are not allowed to leave home until 1June.
As per the Reuters report, Singapore has been highly affected with coronavirus in the continent of Asia. Most of the cases have come in migrant workers dwelling in packed dormitories.
According to Johns Hopkins University data record, 21 deaths have been seen by the Singapore with 24,671 coronavirus cases so far.