The map reveals that 36 out of 50 states have encountered no “long periods of diminishing in affirmed cases.” Only 14 states are observing coronavirus declines as per the graphics.
As reviving plans either slow down or push ahead gradually over the nation a great deal of states have not had the option to drive down their contamination rates, as indicated by an internal Department of Health and Human Services map acquired by Yahoo News.
The guide, which was flown to government offices associated with the coronavirus reaction on July 1, shows that 36 out of 50 states have encountered no “long stretches of diminishing in affirmed cases.” Only 14 states show such reductions as indicated by the graphics, and just nine of those have arrived at the basic edge of 14 continuous long periods of declining quantities of new contaminations, a basic measurement as per the Centers for Disease Control and Prevention.
The states demonstrating diminishes in any event on a solitary day are Oregon, Nebraska, South Dakota, Indiana, North Carolina, New York, New Jersey, Connecticut, Massachusetts, Rhode Island, Vermont, New Hampshire, Delaware and Hawaii.
Washington, D.C., which isn’t a state, is likewise encountering a decline in new contaminations.

The states with the most supported caseload drops are Hawaii, Nebraska, South Dakota, New Hampshire, Massachusetts, Rhode Island, Connecticut, New Jersey and New York. New York was the focal point of the flare-up in March and April, yet the state has since retaliated the ailment.
On account of revealing inconsistencies, the record acquired by Yahoo News could sometimes repudiate state-level information. A map demonstrating day-over-day contaminations and reviving phases is dispersed day by day through the important official agencies.
Numerous states where the infection has as of late made progress, including Texas, California and Arizona, have stopped their reviving plans.
Virginia, in the meantime, is moving into the third phase of its reviving, which permits bars, cafés, stores and ranchers’ business sectors to revive, given that satisfactory social removal can in any case be rehearsed. However Virginia, as indicated by the national government’s guide, has not arrived at 14 days of descending direction.

A representative for the Virginia Department of Health said it “has various graphs that show our case midpoints has been going down for a long time.”
The division gives information on every day cases by the “date revealed,” just as cases from “the day nearest to when manifestations started.” The midpoints for cases dependent on “date announced” don’t seem to show a decrease, and the latest midpoints for cases dependent on “beginning of indications” isn’t yet accessible on the web.
The CDC’s reviving direction prescribes that states continue to the following period of reviving just when they have arrived at 14 days of declining contaminations in their present phases. As of late Dr. Anthony Fauci, the country’s top irresistible ailment master, has cautioned about states “leapfrogging” over the guidlines.
The impacts of the race to revive would now be able to be seen in flooding cases.
July 1 saw 52,000 new contaminations reported over the United States, a record-breaking number that has some stressed that the country is losing control of the pandemic. Not long ago Fauci cautioned that the U.S. could see upwards of 100,000 new coronavirus cases every day.