Home World Trump Called Niece ‘She’s A Mess’

Trump Called Niece ‘She’s A Mess’

Trump Reacts To Her Niece's Book 'She's A Mess'
Trump went off on Mary and his previous national security guide, John Bolton, who have both sold amazing quantities of books savaging the president as a sociopath unfit for office.

President Donald Trump has eventually remarked on the new book composed by his niece Mary L. Trump and called his niece “she’s a mess’.

Trump went off on Mary and his previous national security guide, John Bolton, who have both sold amazing quantities of books savaging the president as a sociopath unfit for office.

The book, “Too Much and Never Enough: How My Family Created the World’s Most Dangerous Man,” was published Tuesday and piled on a record of 950,000 duplicates sold on its first day. On Friday, the president posted his grumbles on Twitter about the numerous books that have been expounded on him as of late. 

She composes that her uncle is the consequence of “one of the world’s most powerful and dysfunctional families” and was genuinely scared by his “toxic” relationship with his dad, the late engineer Fred Trump.

Considering himself “ultimate member of The Book of the Month Club,” the president previously railed against “lowlife dummy John Bolton,” whom he called a “war mongering fool” and said he’d abused the law by discharging arranged data just to “make a couple of dollars” that “will all end up going to the government anyway.”

The Trump organization battled like the devil to stop the publication of the bombshell, where Bolton mourns, “I am hard pressed to identify any single Trump decision during my tenure that wasn’t driven by re-election calculations.”

The president at that point followed Mary Trump, the girl of his late older sibling, Fred Trump Jr., calling her “a seldom seen niece who knows little about me” and “says untruthful things about my wonderful parents (who couldn’t stand her!)”.

He also asserted she abused a nondisclosure consensus and violated the law by handing over his tax return documents to The New York Times

The president at that point assaulted his niece by saying, “She’s a mess!” before sending out a practically philosophical tone: 

“Many books have been written about me, some good, some bad. Both happily and sadly, there will be more to come!”

Mary Trump later reacted to the president with her own tweet that her marketing expert advised HuffPost alluded to the number of watchers that watched her interview on Thursday’s “Rachel Maddow Show” on MSNBC versus the president’s city center with Sean Hannity on Fox News. 

In the meantime, other Twitter users found the president’s tweets edifying in manners he most likely didn’t expect.




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