Hair Ice: ‘Candy Floss Ice’ A Rare Phenomenon

Hair Ice: 'Candy Floss Ice' A Rare Phenomenon

In the event that you go down to the forested areas today for a chilly winter walk, you could be in for a mesmerizing event that takes place in the woodland. You would come across a rare, natural phenomenon, Hair Ice—look like candy floss. 

Individuals going for a walk through the trees in regions Fermanagh and Tyrone have been experiencing a bizarre sight. 

In the outset, it would seem that candy floss has shown up on tree branches. 

Hair ice captured Kenny Allen by on the ground during a walk in Cranny—Kenny Allen.

After looking into it further, you can see many individual strands that resemble fragile white hair. 

When these are touched by human hand or winter sun, they melt away. 

This bizarre wonder is called hair ice, a rare phenomenon. 

It would appear like candy floss on the trees – however, a touch melts it away.

The crystals are formed on decaying wood on muggy winter evenings when the temperature is simply under zero. 

Researchers have found it is brought about by a growth which empowers the ice to shape slim hairs with a diameter of about 0.01mm. 

This rare phenomenon has been seen in a number of locations in Omagh

Hair ice –  also called frost flowers – has been seen in County Fermanagh in Castle Archdale, Florence Court, Castle Coole, Cladagh Glen and Big Dog Forest. 

In County Tyrone, it has been caught in  a camera in Omagh and Knockmany, close to Augher. 

So in case you’re taking off for a daily workout, check whether you can grab this rare wonder before it melts away.

You can comprehend more about it with an attached video clip.


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